Thursday, February 26, 2009

Performance problem while starting up Opmnctl / Application for Oracle Application in clustered

If you have performance problem while starting up Opmnctl / Application for Oracle Application in clustered, this could be due to the bug in the OC4J.

As higlighted , in the bug fixed for the ,

In a clustered environment the command 'dcmctl updateConfig ..' in one node copies the orion-ejb-jar.xml to other node and as a result unnecessary redeployment of the j2ee application occurs in other node.

To check, goto both server of the clustered and compared the files at $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/APP/application-deployments/AppName/AppName.jar/orion-ejb-jar.xml

You will also notice in the log files, if you have set the OC4J options -out

09/02/23 20:34:16 Auto-deploying - AppEJB.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since the previous deployment)...

Metalink Doc ID: 398955.1

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Error in Oracle Infrastructure - LDAP ora31203

If you encounter the below error, while installing your Oracle OID / Infrastructure , make sure that the /etc/hosts for both server contain your hostname and hostname.domain

LDAP error : ORA-31203: DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Init Failed.

Eror: ORA-31203 (ORA-31203)

Text: DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Init Failed.


Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP Init operation. Action: Please check the host name in the hosts file and the port number to see if it's been taken up, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.